-Sts: Status
-Cmd: Command
-Flt: Fault
-Fdbk: Feedback
-Ctrl: Control
-SpRel: Relative setpoint
-PrSpSrc: Present setpoint source
- SpRelMdbs: Relative setpoint Modbus
- PrSpVfl
- PrSpPwr
- SpTFlMdbs:
-OCmd: Operator commands
-OSet: Operator settings
-PCmd: Program commands
-PSet: Program settings
-ValveSO: Solenoid-operated Valve
-Inltk: Interlock
-SATT: Supply Air Temperature Transmitter
-RATT: Return Air Temperature Transmitter
-RHT: Return Humidity Transmitter
-SFT: Supply Flow Transmitter
-MV: Motorized Valves
-DHU: Dehumidifier Unit
-Inp: Input
-Out: Output
-ValveMO: Motor Operated Valve
-Pos: Position
-Alm: Alarm
-Sched: Schedule
-Chlr: Chiller
COP: Current Coefficient of Performance
Seq: Sequential
PrSpPwr: Present setpoint power
-PrVfl: Present volume flow
-PrPwr: Present power
-StsPwr: Status Power
-TRtPrim: Primary return temperature
-OphDev: Operating hours device
-TotHVfl: Total heating volume flow
-TotCVfl: Total cooling volume flow
-CtlSta: Control Valve
-HCSta:Heating/cooling state
-VlvPosFb: Valve position feedback
-TFlPrim: Primary flow temperature
-MnFlt: Main fault
-TotCEngy: Total cooling energy
-TotHEngy: Total heating energy
-PrAdaVflMax: Present adapted maximum volume flow
-VlvTyp: Valve type
-NomPipeSize: Nominal pipe size
-VovrMod : Valve override mode
-SpTFlPrimOut: Primary flow temperature setpoint output
-TOaDsgn: Design outside temperature
-TOaHi:Outside temperature high
-SpTFlDs:Flow temperature setpoint for design outside
-SpTFlHi: Flow temperature setpoint for high outside
-DrygFnctSta: Drying function state
-TiEldDryg :Elapsed time drying
-HcrPuCmd: Heating circuit pump command
-ROpModSched : Room operation mode scheduler
-PrROpMod:Present room operation mode
-RsnPrOpMod: Reason for present operating mode
-SpHCmf: Heating setpoint for comfort
-SpHPcf: Heating setpoint for pre-comfort
-SpHEco: Heating setpoint for economy
-SpHPrt: Heating setpoint for protection
-SbstTR : Substitute room temperature
-SlfTst: Self-test
-FrcVflMax: Force maximum volume flow
-VflNomVlv: Nominal volume flow for valve
-VflMax: Maximum volume flow
-VflMaxRel: Relative maximum volume flow
-EnVflMin: Enable minimum volume flow
-VflMin: Minimum volume flow
-VflMinRel : Relative minimum volume flow
-VflMaxC: Maximum volume flow cooling
-VflMaxRelC: Relative maximum volume flow cooling
-VflMinC: Minimum volume flow cooling
-VflMinRelC : Relative minimum volume flow cooling
-LqdTyp: Type of liquid
-LqdCnctr: Concentration of liquid
-VlvDsgn: Valve design
-VlvMountPos: Valve mounting position
-CtlMod : Control Mode
-EnAdaVflMax:Enable adapted maximum volume flow
-EnAdaVflMaxC: Enable adapted maximum volume flow cooling
-CmpMod: Compensation mode
-CmpVflCoef: Compensation volume flow coefficient
- DiffPres: differential pressure
-ExpRad: Radiator exponent
-EnQckSetbck: Enable quick setback
-BckpMod:Backup mode